About us
The church isn’t somewhere we go - it’s who we are!
We see a thriving community, unified in passion and purpose. We see people connecting with God and each other, together reaching their full potential in life. We see a church, which influences communities, and exists to see lives transformed by the gospel. We want to impact our community positively, and we want to be an authoritative voice for Jesus, to inspire people and cultivate a community of love that people aspire to be a part of.
We see a thriving community, unified in passion and purpose.
We see people connecting with God and each other, together reaching their full potential in life.
We see a church, which influences communities, and exists to see lives transformed by the gospel.
Our purpose is to see our community transformed, lives radically changed, families reconciled, and hope restored. As a result, we aim to be inspirational to the greater church.
We believe that the following three words are seeds planted and integral to the vision of our church.
For a foundation to be laid, preparation needs to happen.
We believe we are called to prepare our facilities, our structures, our systems and our relationships, both internal and external. We need to analyse what the needs are as opposed to what our needs are and we need to ensure we complement what is already happening as opposed to replicating unnecessarily.
For a foundation to be strong it needs to be mixed as designed, poured and allowed to cure or set.
We believe we are called to the development of a Christ-like Character so we can reflect God in all we do. Correctly prioritising God is our foundation which will allow us to develop a servant heart and create opportunity to put that into practise.
Strong foundations allow for the production of amazing, long lasting and strong buildings.
We believe that everyone should know God and realise we are perfect and worthy in Christ's eyes. We are called to be and to make disciples. We aspire to not recruit leaders and volunteers, rather, develop them and empower them to achieve all they are called to be.
“In him, we live and move and have our being”. These are the words of the Apostle Paul. This simply means we live for God and He is the priority in our lives.
The Holy Spirit has been given to us by God because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. The Spirit helps us to live effective lives for God.
The Bible is God’s means of communicating with His children. When we read the Bible with our heart and mind open to God, He speaks to us.
The primary focus of the church is not on ourselves but on others and especially those who are lost.
Jesus said to His disciples “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This is also our mission.
Unity Chapel is a member of the ACC (Australian Christian Movement) and as such we are aligned in our beliefs.