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We know that God has positioned us in a community to do community well. Ministries are nothing without community and we would love you to be connected. God is doing something special at Unity Chapel and our ministries are key to that. Here at Unity Chapel, we emphasise the shift from attending to participating, so take a look at the different areas you could volunteer in.


If you have any questions, then please get in contact with us.

Multi-ethnic Group of Friends
Boot Camp
Women with a Cause

Prayer Ministry


We consider prayer is an important foundation and believe in the scriptural promise of God "Call unto me, and I will answer" Jeremiah 33:3. We firmly believe that this Word still holds true today. For this reason, we prioritise prayer and gather before each service at 9:30. We also have a prayer service each Friday morning to seek the Lord in unity and to intercede for others.


Prayer Chain:  ​‘And the church prayed earnestly’ (Acts 12:5)

Our Prayer Team has the incredible privilege of serving our church by interceding and praying with those seeking support. If you need prayer for anything, big or small, request prayer below. You can also receive prayer at the front of the auditorium or in the lobby after any of our services. ​

Kid's Ministry​


Kids aren’t peripheral to the life and vision of Unity Chapel. We are passionate about helping our children to grow up loving God and His church.


UC Kids meets every Sunday morning and get prayed out straight after our worship time, all children from kindy through to year 6 are welcome, 

Our program is designed to stimulate and excite the kids whilst laying a scripture based foundation. Through fun and creative activities, we help each child understand from an early age that she or he is of worth and value in the world. We encourage them to dream big and to one day be world-changers!

Our heart is to help them build lasting friendships but also realise that a life with Jesus is far from boring!

Unity Men


Through relationships, we want to inspire and challenge the men of Unity Chapel to become all that God created them to be… men of God, great leaders, husbands, fathers and sons. We know getting guys together for banter, food and to encourage each other in our relationship with Christ, strengthens our church. We want our men to be equipped as they go out and impact their workplace, neighbours and families.


We want God's power to bring restoration to our community and believe that strong men… in Unity, is a great foundation to build on.


Check out the next event and call the boys!

Women in Unity


Every woman has unique worth and value and God has created each of us with special talents, gifts, and destiny. So many women experience great hurdles and disappointments leading to a lack of confidence, brokenness, shame and shattered dreams. Our heart is to see every woman in our community restored, renewed and given a new hope for the future, as she reaches her full potential in Christ.


Women in Unity is a unique opportunity to gather as daughters of God for events packed with worship, teaching, friendship and lots of laughs. We aim to cheer one another on and celebrate the moments that matter. We also believe we need to armour up and support each other.


Our door and our hearts are open and we love to welcome ‘new faces’ – so come and feel free to ask your girlfriends to come along with you to our next event?



Our purpose is to see our community transformed, lives radically changed, families reconciled, and hope restored. As a result, we aim to be inspirational to the greater church


We believe that our primary mission field is our local community. God has positioned Unity Chapel in the heart of Huntingdale for a reason. We believe that we are called to serve and support this ever growing and culturally diverse community through a variety of events and programs.

Beth - Wales - 935A8277.jpg
Map in Grass
Study Group



Alpha provides introductory courses to the Christian faith in an engaging and eye-opening manner. At Unity Chapel we are committed to making Alpha Courses available for the adults and youth of Huntingdale. Alpha gives people who are searching for truth, the opportunity to experience a welcoming and inclusive environment whilst learning about the foundations of Christianity. We aim to do this in partnership with Alpha international, with an aim to not only provide training to our community, but also to the benefit and support of the greater church community.

Overseas Mission


We are passionate about community and an integral part of our vision is to reach those overseas who are less fortunate than us, to support ministries that are making a difference and to ensure we take the gospel to all the nations.

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We believe that pastoral care is a fundamental aspect of building the church and the Kingdom of God. We also recognise that life is a team effort and it's best done together. Get connected at Unity Chapel by attending one of our connect groups. 


Connect groups are held in host homes within our local community and meet alternately every fortnight, on Wednesdays at 7pm*


*timings subject to Group leader discretion 


+61 (08) 9490 2002


8 Bronzewing Street

WA 6110

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